Saturday, November 29, 2008
So ...
It's American Thanksgiving Weekend - Thanksgiving Day itself was yesterday. So happy Thanksgiving to my American in-laws, readers, and anyone else. Of all years you guys have a LOT to be thankful for with your new president-elect.
I also, belatedly, want to extend my thoughts and sympathies to the terror victims in Mumbai - a friend of Ari's has parents there right now, it's a scary time and a scary place, and I wish everyone the best who might be there.
This weekend is going to be more of the same as last week, and probably still moreso going forward ... just so you know why my blogs might be a bit short and fewer and farther between ... but I promise when there's a bit of a let-up I will let you know. And I will check in as much as I can meanwhile. :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
You're welcome, Ladies ...
Stuff ...
Unfortunately my other favourite person is leaving town for the night - Ari's going to Ottawa until late tomorrow. I KNOW it's just one night but ... booo! I want my hubby!
Oh well. Safe drive in the snow ... careful on the highways! Come home to the people who love you. Oh right and ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY HONEY! ;)
Next few days might be busy ... just so you understand any slowdowns in posting in advance. Take care all! :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy birthday to my favourite men ...
My grampa's birthday is Wednesday ...
Another person very special to me celebrated a birthday this weekend.
Happy birthday gentlemen. :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Queen's Moves Fall Homecoming to Springtime
OK, before I go any further, and offend the like, one or two people I know who still defend this 'cheerful' event, I want to make clear that
- I'm being at least a little facetious. Sarcasm aside, I know that most people who attend Aberdeen every fall are good kids who want to be a part of what has become a tradition. I just think, after the last four years, that considering this simply a party and a good-time event, as opposed to what it has become - a riot - is more than a bit naive, and I question at least the judgement of anyone who goes near that street on that night at this point. I went ... once ... the year before it really turned into a riot; I left with my best friend at the time to pick up my then-fiance (now-husband) and we then returned - Ari and I didn't really want to go back when we realized we could hear glass breaking two blocks away (and keeping in mind, again, that this was before the party got really 'bad'). We DID go because J was braver than we were, but we left within 5 minutes. Simply put, even as a group, even with each other, we didn't feel safe. That's the reality, and THAT's the tradition.
- I also want to make clear this isn't an age thing, or a prudish thing. I am 26 years old, first of all, not THAT far out of my pub-visiting, dancing in crowds, having a drink-or-two days. I'm the first person to get offended by 'kids today' speeches. I think these new traffic laws passed this week by the Ontario Liberal government picking on kids, instead of just poor drivers generally, are nonsense. So don't think I'm on one of those kicks. It is in fact because I feel young people - especially educated ones who are supposed to represent the future of our country - deserve to be represented better, that this bothers me. And that representation starts with themselves. As far as prudishness, I am a wrestling fan, and when you talk the offensiveness, crowds, and the kind of crowds, involved in those events, trust me, I have a strong stomach. Nor am I judgemental - while I am no partier, I respect people who are and as long as they do so safely and don't do harm to anyone else, I'm cool with that. So I want to make clear this isn't me being a terribly uncool jerk.
- I went to Queen's, and think it is a fabulous school with fabulous faculty and students - this isn't an indictment of them whatsoever.
- That also means I heard all the defenses of Aberdeen. The first can be summed up in one word ' TRADITION'. This is a tradition, benig hard partiers, being an unsanitized and rough and tumble school, all that. Well you know what? Antisemitism was also 'traditional'; so was women not being able to vote. 'Traditional' marriage shuts out an entire, significant minority of our society. Not good enough. 'It's a harmless party, kids having fun' - vandalism is not harmless. Throwing beer bottles at emergency crews are not harmless. This is not a party, it is a riot. 'They started it, the anti-intellectual, ungrateful townie jerks and the heavy-handed police with riot gear' - OK. Perhaps. In fact, I would even go so far as to say, exactly. I don't disagree that Kignston's closed-minded, anti-youth, anti-intellectual bent is aggravating. But is that the standard we educated folks are holding for OURSELVES now? Is throwing beer bottles at 'pigs' honestly going to improve their perception - and thus their treatment - of students? Or earn any public sympathy in Kingston or elsewhere?
- Lastly, I know this isn't a Queen's problem to a certain degree - a lot of kids come from out of town and ruin it for people who are partying 'right'. But the bottom line is keggers are still happening in homes rented by Queen's students; and people are only coming because they know about this party. How is that? If they don't know better, but Queen's students do, then QUEEN'S STUDENTS should have the maturity to pull the plug on the Frankenstein monster they created.
Queen's - we have a school, and an alma mater to be proud of. Its reputation should not be lowered by crazy partying to the point of danger. I think it's time we shed the 'entitled, spoiled rich kids at winter camp' PERCEPTION (however incorrect it may be), and take responsibility that STUDENTS dropped the ball here after many chances to try to clean things up and get it right. I'm afraid that's not what's going to happen though. It's sad - but alumni going to their 'reunions' are not going to have the same opportunity to interact with students in the springtime as they do in the fall, or a football game to attend; which would be worth it and will be worth it if this works. My only fear is that Queen's students will let those of us who are proud of our school down by trying to organize a big blowout on Aberdeen come the fall anyway - and this time angrier and more dangerous than before. And as tempting as that might be, to stick the thumb in the eye of 'the man', the only thing I can say then is, no good will come of it - and you've been warned. :P
Monday, November 17, 2008
The weekend
Life's pretty good - I'm going to make the best of today and go to the gym, get some groceries, and do some housework around here (setting up a new room creates a messy house ... argh). Getting ready for a weekend in Montreal coming up, and Ottawa. Hope the week's a good one for everyone! Take care.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
And now I'm home and it's the weekend. Going to see my beautiful Toronto friend Es for her birthday tomorrow, we have some furniture to assemble and as always a house to tidy up. Not a bad end all in all to a pretty decent week - my report cards are finished from the school I was at long-term, and subbing's been great - I was at my old high school yesterday teaching, making my OWN former teachers feel old, and my old enrichment teacher from elementary school worked right next door to me all day. It's been cool. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come! My tummy's still upset but I gotta say ... I'm doin' good. :D
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lest We Forget
God bless you.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Awesome weekend
Friday was a PD Day so I didn't have to go to work - I got to visit with my friend J and her daughter K, which was fun; we went to the park and I enjoyed that. Yesterday Ari and I puttered around the house before going out to a semi-formal gala put on by his work; I have a very dear friend, L, whose boyfriend works for the same company as Ari so they were there as well - it kind of became a double date with some friends we hadn't seen in too long so it was nice on that score as well. :) We got to share some Big News with them, and it was a fun celebration.
Today we went to see another friend, E, win an award for her writing - we enjoyed listening to the excerpt she read of her story at the awards ceremony, as well as the other excellent winners - such good work all of them did! Made me want to get back to my fiction writing (although I suppose some would claim that's what this blog consists of ... lol ...). We also got to visit with my dad and step-mom, who are always lovely hosts and fun to talk to, before a quiet evening at home. It was a nice weekend after Ari and I have been sick the last couple weeks; Ari's voice is still REALLY funny but I think he's feeling better. Although dinner didn't sit too well with me tonight because now I'm kind of icky again. So heading to bed - just didn't want to do so without an update on our weekend, which was fantastic.
Hope everyone else's was too. :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Letter to the editor
Oct. 29
In response to David Rutherford's letter regarding "living wages," I would ask Rutherford when the last time was that he worked for minimum wage?
My husband and I make significantly more than the minimum wage, and this has entitled us to a modest starter home, a five-year-old car, and the ability to pay our bills every month. Hardly ludicrous luxuries. Considering this, I can sympathize with the struggles of those on the poverty line (i.e., minimum-wage workers), and where we were not too long ago as young newlyweds and struggling students.
I applaud the bakery in question for taking care of its employees, and would like to point out that this is not simply an altruistic "redistribution of wealth" but a smart business move. It is no secret that easing financial worries at home can make a job more rewarding and employees more productive; my husband and I have both in recent years moved up pay grids doing the same jobs as before, and are happier, more productive workers due to the appreciation of our contributions at work.
In the tough economic climate of today, it is not the time to turn on each other in a "survival of the fittest." Societies are judged by how we treat the least among us. I think it is unbecoming of us as humans to suggest that those who make a living serving the fortunate among us at our favourite restaurants and tallying up our consumer goods at local stores are working any less hard than the rest of us, or are any less deserving of the ability to have a roof over their heads and food on their families' tables.
Sarah Daigen
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow's the Day ...

But even if you want to vote for this guy -

- In fact especially if you want to vote McCain - it's really important to make sure your voice is heard tomorrow. VOTE, all! :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Today was AWESOME
Tonight we went to see 12 Angry Men put on by the local theatre co. I will be doing my one-act play with, and actually featuring one of my stars; it was a GREAT show. Truly enjoyed it. I'd recommend it except it was closing night lol.
I'm officially done my temp contract at the school I've been at the last 12 mos. It's sad - I really enjoyed my time there, bonded VERY well with the staff, and the kids were some very interesting and rewarding young individuals to work with. I'll be supply teaching until mid-December now, and with the upcoming month or two, as much as I'll miss having a home base, that's probably for the best in terms of flexibility.
I'm hoping to get to Montreal to see my grandparents at some point in the next month or so as well - my grandpa has had some health issues for almost two years now, but is currently in a nursing home for temporary care, and my grandma is going in in the next week or two for some eye surgery, so it's nice to know I have the schedule to be able to go lend a hand if need-be; or even just to provide some company. :)
Otherwise, life is good - Ari and I are both ill at the moment, but personally and professionally things have been going quite well for both of us, that to complain about a couple of bad colds at this point would seem truly ungrateful. We are so blessed. :)