Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TheStar Liberals pass law to ease adoption of Crown wards

TheStar Liberals pass law to ease adoption of Crown wards

Sorry - I know I know I've been terribly absent. I was out of town at a conference, and then yesterday was my birthday ... and now it's late and I'm kind of draggy and tired. But I promise to be back to more regular posting now. I was for awhile a week or two ago, and it always sucks when stuff comes up just as you're getting into a rhythm and routine (although really good stuff - a fun conference I'll share more about in the next day or two, and my birthday was nice too).

Meanwhile though I did want to share the link above, considering the journey in our family here the last couple of years - this is great news, and definitely something to congratulate the McGuinty government on (I know, there hasn't been much, but ... the guy still has a good heart I think). Thanks for indulging me! :)

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