Friday, July 17, 2009

Paint it Pink - support for my girl Alex

Avon (the cosmetics people, you know 'Avon Calling'), not only sell beauty products, but have a beautiful heart too, and we're in the midst of their Paint it Pink campaign for breast cancer awareness. My friend Alex as an Avon participant made a contribution that I'd like you all to go check out and support by clicking here and voting. No contribution necessary, each vote results in Avon donating $2 to the cause of breast cancer awareness and research. Her friend she calls Karebear has a post up, and Alex has also written a touching explanation of why she's working to this particular cause at her blog - you can read it and find the link to Karebear's picture here.


1 comment:

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Aww thanks Sarah *hugs* I really appreciate you blogging about this!!