Friday, March 4, 2011

New Car! And my brief ponderings on the news of the week.

So - we are the proud new owners of a 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt with 53,500 km on it - yay us. That's where we've been the last couple of weeks as I may or may not have specified. Not particularly witty, funny, or exciting (except to us - nice new car=the result), but yeah. Last couple of days have been quieter, except both hubby and Little Tyke are both sick with a fun-seeming tummy bug that I might be catching too ... boo. It's been a busy time and I've had barely enough time to follow the good (the progress being made in the movement for democracy in the Middle East) the bad (evil Wisconsin governors attempting to take away teachers' collective bargaining rights) and the ugly (Charlie Sheen's winning warlock tiger blood), much less devote a whole heckuva lot of time to really dissect it.

However - please note that I wish the first continued success, and may peace and sanity reign in Libya; the second defeat at the hands of integral public employees and the Democratic representatives in the state legislature (although as he is printing off layoff slips in light of the refusal to pass his legislation, it looks like heels just got dug in), and the last a nice, long, health-restoring trip to a hospital or rehab ... let me just say I feel for those who genuinely care for this man - his parents, his children ... and I put a plea out to his fans who find this nonsense entertaining and edgy, and the media who keeps egging him on to keep themselves on TV, their entertainment blogs up to date, and their newspapers/tabloids/mags in print, to stop exploiting a man who needs help, not a platform.

May all of you be well. XOXO

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