Monday, October 15, 2012

This Blog Has MOVED - Exciting Announcement!

Due to extreme busy-ness, and frustration with lack of followers here, I have decided to start fresh over at Wordpress, with its strong connected community, and better interactivity with Facebook, Twitter etc. It should be new, fresh, and more what this place was all about when I started blogging.

Please follow me to my new blogging home at HTTP://SHORTYSARCASM.WORDPRESS.COM ... it's still under construction but already I feel much more vibrant and inspired with this new beginning. I hope to see you there, along with some new faces. XOXO


Unknown said...


SARcasm said...

lol Why noooo? Isn't it a good thing if it means I'll blog more and be excited about doing so? ;)

Unknown said...

It just seems everyone is moving to Wordpress. I don't like it there :( So now I kinda feel left behind. Waaaaaaaaa. lol Ugh, and I have to update my following list :P