Saturday, August 8, 2009

Last 48 hours in Kitchener ...

So ... I'm here about another 18 hours ... and then another 36 or so next weekend to help poor Ari who I'm abandoning with the packing here ... and then it's on to a new home. We are 12 days away. It's kind of sad I don't think I'll have quite the final 'goodbye' experience Ari will with this place'; furniture, etc. will still be here when I go next; pictures might be off the walls, boxes might be all over, but it will still basically be our home. And then I'll never see it again. It's just a place I know ... my things and most importantly my people will be coming with me. But this was the first house we owned, the home we brought Little Tyke home to, etc. Lots of tremendous memories, and we basically bought this house for LT and now he won't even remember it.

Definitely feeling nostalgic this weekend; I'm hoping by next week it's more about the 'New Adventure' we're looking forward to. And we're moving into a lovely new home that's far too good for the likes of li'l ole us, in a wonderful town which has so much to offer, and I'm excited. Just not right now. Right now I'm thinking of the goodbyes I'll be making ... and those I won't have the chance to make. The wonderful life Ari and I built for ourselves in our hometown; the decent jobs, the closeness to our son's grandparents, the wonderful circle of friends ... we knew in the back of our minds I think that we'd be leaving - at least that it was a better-than-average possibility - but I thought knowing it would leave me more ready for it. And in many ways I am; knowing we had a house to prepare to sell, a house to find, jobs to look for, etc. we had a lot of those details handled which allowed us from sign up to closing/moving date take literally 4 weeks. But my friends, my family, my job, my church, the kids I tutor ... tonight, I beg your indulgence as I mourn those things.

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